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Help us raise money

For participating in 2023 Jodi's Race for Awareness

Our story…

If you knew Julie Hobbs, she hated any attention on her. However before Julie lost her battle, we made a promise to her that we would continue to participate in Jodi's Race to raise awareness for the disease that she fought so valiantly for 10+ years. In her memory, we walk this race and work everyday to be Strong Like Julie.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 20 Jamie Makepeace Maddie you are an amazing human!! You know your mom is proud of everything you’re doing. Thank you for including me on this! $54.10
May 19 David Fecura & Melissa Campbell $107.35
May 19 Randy & Barb Meyer $25.00
May 15 King and Gramma Undisclosed amount
May 14 Kristin and Karli Strong like Julie! $80.73
May 13 Gregg or $533.35
May 11 Ben Jackson Thank you for continuing to raise awareness and keeping this going for Julie. She was an incredible person. I'll be at the race in spirit! $160.60
May 10 You're amazeballs! $27.48
May 10 What!?!?! Go team go! $27.48
May 10 You'll never know Please, no more streaking in these public events! Also, I love you and your service oriented self! $27.48