My Story…
YOU MATTER! YOU are NOT alone!
YOU are NOT a burden, you have a burden. Which by definition, is to heavy to carry alone.
I'm participating in this walk, and fundraising for many reasons and many people in my life.
I have struggled with mental health stigma my whole life, and it's been a long journey to truly be open with those around me. I spent alot of time hiding, feeling ashamed, and internalizing my struggles most of my life. I often told myself to put on a smile so that I didn't "burden" others. Suffering in silence. I don't want anyone to ever feel like they have to hide or feel like I did.
I am also walking in support of my family and friends who struggle with their mental health daily, but are still here trying to fight on. In hopes of reminding them that they are NEVER EVER alone! That there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I love all of you beyond words!
Sadly I also walk in remembrance of many family and friends who have tragically taken their lives. You are all forever so deeply missed, endlessly loved, and never forgotten. My heart is forever changed with each person gone to soon.
I walk for those that I don't know. Those who are suffering. In hopes that they find the support and help thay they need, and that they deserve. In hopes they see that they matter, that their life matters.
One last reason that I am participating. I know that there are people out there that don't understand mental health, or the stigma around mental health. There are those who have thankfully never personally experienced struggles with their mental health. To those people I just want to say that just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it's not real. You don't have to understand something a person is going through to have and show compassion.
Compassion is free.
Donate to help Leilani raise money for Thumbs Up 5K and 10K - 10th Annual’s fundraising campaign.