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Help us raise money

For participating in 5th Annual Brace for the Race 5k

Our story…

Please donate to support awareness to limb deformities 

Children who have fibular hemimelia are born with a short or missing fibula (one of the two bones in the lower leg). Other bones in the leg, ankle, and foot can be affected too.

Our JP is 11 years old an he has had super ankle and two left lengthening  with ex fix’s, plus 8 plates. We are looking at the first internal lengthening this winter!

Help us raise money for Nemours Orthopedics/Club Foot and Limb Deformity

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 14 Joanne Cras Undisclosed amount
Jul 09 Pop and Grammie Donnelly Love you, you are our superhero $27.48
Jul 06 Tracy & Dave Perillo $27.48
Jul 06 Kathie de la Vergne $27.48
Jul 06 Brian and Amy In honor of our Superman nephew $27.48
Jul 06 The Savages $27.48
Jul 05 Sandy & Joe Cizmarik $27.48
Jul 03 Alison Giosa We are so proud of your support for your brother, we love you! Undisclosed amount
Jul 03 Alison Giosa You are our Superman! Never give up you powering through attitude! Undisclosed amount