Rules & Regulations
- Participants who completed the Online Registration agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the event (SD2023) that has been signed up.
- The Organiser reserves the right to limit, accept or reject any entries without assigning any reasons thereof.
- All participants are required to complete the Online Registration entry form with accurate and correct information.
- Once the registration is being processed, there will be NO REFUND for those who fail to show up for the race and/or withdraw from it.
- The race registration will only confirm when full payment of the race entry fee has been made.
- Race category or race entry is not transferable.
- Strictly NO CHANGES of name and race category after registration is completed. Please check and ensure all details are correct before submitting.
- On-the-spot entries will NOT be entertained.
- Whilst every reasonable precaution will be taken by the Organiser to ensure the participants' safety, participants partake in this event at their own risk and the Organiser shall not be liable for any bodily injuries, loss and/or damage to property, whether personal or otherwise, and howsoever arising.
- The Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs or recordings of the participants for any commercial or advertising purposes for any commercial advertising including legitimate purpose.
- The Race Director/Organising Committee decision is final.
- All participants should pick up their Race Packs and Goodie Bag on the On-Site Race Registration Day which has been designated.
- Participants who do not collect their Race Pack during the scheduled date and time will be forfeited.
- There will be a Race Briefing conducted by the Organiser. First timer is encouraged to attend. However, all participants are required to download the E-Briefing (available soon) notes that contains important information, route map and guides for the event.
- A participant may be disqualified for the following reason(s):
- (a) Refusing to follow the rules and regulations and /or instructions given by the Organiser and/or Race Officials.
- (b) Consumption of alcohol, stimulants or any kind of prohibited drugs 24 hours before the race.
- Any participants decided to withdraw from the race should report to the Race Officials.
- The details on the reverse side of your RACE BIB must be filled in to enable us to contact your next-of-kin in case of emergency.
- The Multisport Timing Chip is the sole means of race timing measurement.
NO CHIP = NO TIMING - All participants in both the Individual and/or Relay category must ensure that their Timing Chips are securely strapped to their left or right ankle before beginning on any leg of the race.
- The Organiser will not be responsible for any inaccuracy in participant's race timings due to improper wearing of Timing Chip.
- Minimum age for Sprint Distance Race is 16 years of age and for Olympic Distance Race is 18 years of age on 31 Dec 2023 to compete in the race.
- Cut off time for Olympic Distance Race is 4 hours 30 minutes.
- All runner must ensure that their race numbers are clearly visible both in front of their running attires at all times.
- Bare torso is not allowed at all times.
- Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed.
- No headphone / ear phone are allow during running.
- All participants are required to use their own bicycles, helmet and all attires for the race. Organiser will NOT provide any of these items to the participants if they did not bring.
- This is a draft-legal race and for safety reason only road bike are allow to participate the race. Below are Draft-legal following rules:
a. Frame: The frame of the bike shall be of a traditional pattern, i.e., built around a closed frame of straight or tapered tubular elements (which may be round, oval, flattened, teardrop shaped or otherwise in cross-section). Bikes built around a diamond shape (no saddle down tube) or with a rear triangle which does not connect at the top of the down tube/top tube section are considered acceptable.
b. Non-traditional or unusual bikes: Non-traditional or unusual bikes or equipment shall be illegal unless details have been submitted to the Malaysia Triathlon Technical Committee for approval at least 30 days before the Event.
c. Wheels:
i. No wheel may contain any mechanisms, which are capable of accelerating it;
ii. There must be a brake on each wheel;
iii. Wheels shall have at least 12 spokes;
iv. Disc wheels are not allowed.
d. Handlebars:
i. Only traditional drop handlebars are permitted. The handlebars must be plugged
ii. Clip-ons are not allowed.
e. Time Trial Bike / TT Bike:
i. Time Trial / TT bike are allowed to race but will not be allowed to draft due to safety reasons and will be disqualified.
- All cyclists must wear a helmet during the entire cycling course. Any cyclist seen riding without a helmet will result in immediate disqualification.
- All cyclists must ensure that their helmets are securely fastened before leaving the transition area.
- All cyclist must ensure that their race numbers are clearly visible at the back of their cycling attires at all times.
- Bare torso is not allowed at all times.
- Participant may walk or run with their bicycles.
- Support vehicles and crews are not permitted. Any assistance received during cycling will result in immediate disqualification (with exception of medical aid).
- All cyclist are to keep to the left side of the road and are reminded to observe traffic rules at all times.
- All participants will have to perform their own repairs if their bicycles should breakdown.
- All participants are required to place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack with their race numbers on race day morning.
- All participants are encouraged to have their bicycles checked before the race starts.
Relay Team
- Each Relay team must consist of minimum 2 members / 3 members maximum only.
- Relay disciplines are non-transferable among the team members and is not replaceable by another person.
- All participants in relay teams are responsible for passing their Timing Chip to their teammates at designated areas after completing their respective legs. Passing of Timing Chip outside of the designated area would result in immediate disqualification. In other words, the runner will have to hand over the Timing Chip to the cyclist at the designated area before the cyclist collects his/her bike. The cyclist will have to rack his/her bike before handling over the Timing Chip to the runner at the designated area.
Transition Area
- All bicycles racks are numbered according to the race numbers of every participants.
- All participants are required to place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack with their race numbers.
- A basket is provided by the Organizer to each participant to place their belongings tidily.
- Participants must not interfere with another participants belongings.
- Cycling is not permitted in the Transition Area.
Inclement Weather
- In the event of inclement weather, the Organizer reserves the right to delay the commencement of the race.
- Should the inclement weather persist after the delay, the Organizer reserve the right to further delay or postpone the race without any refund of registration fees.
Medical Advisory
- Duathlon is a physically demanding sport. Therefore, if you are unsure of your physical health condition, please seek medical advice from a medical professional before your register for the race.
- Participants are advised against the consumption of alcohol, stimulants or any kind of prohibited drugs 24-hours before the race.
- Participants are to ensure that they are physically prepared, well-rested and well-hydrated on the race day.
- Should a participant feels unwell in the course of the race, he/she should stop and seek immediate medical attention from the on-course ambulance or at the finishing area.
- If a participant is deemed to be physically incapable of continuing the race eg. Severe dehydration, dizziness, fainting; the Race Officials and/or Medical Practitioner has the rights to remove him/her from continuing the race. The Organizer's decision is final in determining the removal/disqualification of the participant(s).