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Rotary Burlington North Foundation

Raise money for Rotary Burlington North Foundation

The Rotary Turkey Trot Run & Fall Fest is an opportunity to support Food4Kids Halton by entering to run or walk and collecting pledges of support.  Our goal is to raise $10,000 through pledges to help ensure that no child in Halton goes hungry over the weekend or during the summer months. 

The pledges from this event will be collected by the Rotary Burlington North Foundation, a Canadian Registered Charity and organizers of the Rotary Turkey Trot Run & Fall Fest. 100% of these pledges will then be provided to Food4Kids Halton following the event. 

Food4Kids Halton is a weekend nutrition program for elementary children who have been identified by their schools as having limited or no access to food during weekend periods and over the summer months.

Thank you for your support!64e4cdc068e8e.jpg


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 15 Anonymous $38.54
Oct 15 Nicole Have fun!! 🦃❤️ $27.80
Oct 15 Raven & Oscar $27.80
Oct 15 Loretta Monteleone Go Gabriella!! $27.80
Oct 15 Allison Gibson Undisclosed amount
Oct 15 Amanda $108.31
Oct 15 Peter Lue $75.00
Oct 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 15 Peter Lue $50.00
Oct 14 Anonymous You are amazing ! With a baby and a toddler at home, you found the time to train for the race !for such a great cause !❤️❤️👶👶🏃‍♀️ $27.80