Here are some things to keep note on :
1. Make sure to have your confirmation slip ready in hand when you arrive at the counter. We do accept the softcopy version via phone screen.
2. Upon receiving the race-kit, please check your details on the bib and tshirt size before leaving the counter. Any errors detected can be addressed immediately to our crew.
3. We will not entertain any request to change the tshirt size.
4. For bulk collection (6 pax and more), please email to by 12th July. Don't forget to attach all confirmation slips. You may proceed to the bulk collection counter to claim during RKC Day.
5. If you can't make it during designated RKC day/time, you may send a representative to collect. Just make sure the rep brings along your confirmation slip ready for our crew to validate. Once again, we do accept softcopy version (via phone screen).
6. There will be NO race-kit collection counter opened during event day.
Technical Organiser