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Help Gina raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Hope

My Story…

Hello Fam & Friends! 

JCYC and JCYC College Access are extremely important to me. I first heard of JCYC as a John O'Connell High School student. An Advisor came into my class and provided a presentation that forever changed me; I was told I could attend College. Growing up, College never seemed like an option for me, given that I was growing up in a low-income home where neither of my parents or siblings graduated from high school. So when this Advisor started to support me intentionally, I began to see how important it is to have folks like my Advisor to uplift students and communities, turning dreams into realities. I knew I wanted to do the same thing; I wanted to help youth, like me and all youth, succeed. So in High School and College, I stayed connected with JCYC by applying for their scholarship, attending any workshops they provided, and contacting Admin to inquire about open positions. Fortunately, for my commitment and consistency, I was hired as a Part-Time Advisor with SFCAC while in College and then became a Full-Time Advisor with ETS after graduating from College. I have had the fantastic opportunity to be the Senior High School Educational Advisor, Associate Director, and now a Program Director -- That is because I genuinely believe our work changes lives...because it changed mine. JCYC is a strong, committed, dedicated, and intentional Organization that provides opportunities for so many youths and their families - I am a servant to my communities because of JCYC, and I am incredibly grateful for that. I will continue to instill JCYC's Missions/Values in my professional, personal, and children's life as I truly believe in them. Thank you, JCYC <3  Please donate (only if you can) to support scholarships for low-income, first-generation college students! If you'd like to run, register here!

Proceeds from the SF Aloha Run for Hope will be donated to:

JCYC Scholarship Programs - we have four different scholarships that our students can apply to: Believe, Pathways, Excellence, and Thomatra Scott Scholarship. All seek to support our students as they prepare for higher education.

Thanks, Fam & Friends! Much love 💛

Donate to help Gina raise money for SF Aloha Run for Hope’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 29 Diana Tsoi and Paul Hamai $200.00
Sep 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 06 Paul A Vigil $107.35
Sep 06 7x7 Executive Transportation $107.35
Sep 04 Maisha $22.15
Sep 01 Omar Marenco $20.00
Aug 29 Shana Neal $22.15
Aug 28 Trujillo fam GO GINA! $54.10
Jul 21 Gina Gutierrez $107.35