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Help Juliana raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Hope

My Story…

Want to make a difference in a youth's life? Want to help them pursue higher education? Then this is the donation page for you!!

Please donate to fund scholarships to help low-income first-generation students pursue higher education... anything helps! The more we raise, the more students we can give scholarships to! 

During the time I've worked at JCYC as an Educational Advisor, I've got to see student's reactions to winning these scholarships and it truly makes a difference. These scholarships help provide our students with a bit of relief and allow them to focus on their studies more. Please consider contributing to our fundraiser and helps us get our 1st generation students TO and THROUGH college! 

Donate to help Juliana raise money for SF Aloha Run for Hope’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 22 Mali R Youre saving lives. You’re my everyday inspiration. Keep rocking on! $22.15