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Help Abdoulie raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Hope

My Story…

I feel a large sense of gratitude and accomplishment knowing that I can be a supportive mentor for my highschool youth through the JCYC STEM program. Even though traditional schooling is amazing, it is not perfect and doesn't set up our youth to navigate the nuances of the real world through employment and education. For this year's Aloha run I am asking to help complete my goal so we at the JCYC can continue to provide our youth the robust tools to be succusfeul in their futures.

Donate to help Abdoulie raise money for SF Aloha Run for Hope’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 23 Greg $32.80
Sep 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 22 Not Randy $10.00