My Story…
Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA) is an extremely rare, bone marrow failure disorder for which there is no cure. Our daughter Monroe was diagnosed with DBA at 6 weeks old and receives blood transfusions every 3-4 weeks to survive as her body is incapable of producing red blood cells. Monroe has endured many tests, including MRI's, bone marrow biopsies, PICC line insertions, adverse effects from steroid treatments, and countless IV pokes and blood draws. One of the main risks from the chronic blood transfusions is iron overload, which accumulates in the liver, heart, and eventually the endocrine organs. Iron overload eventually culminates in death at a young age. The only other curative treatment for DBA is a bone marrow transplant (BMT) which comes with a long list of potential complications, including death. Sadly, Monroe does not have a sibling BMT match which alone greatly increases her risk of complications if we were to move forward to a BMT with an unrelated donor.
We are excited to be planning the 2nd annual DBA Dash in Calgary, to be held on September 10th, 2023
First and foremost, we are extremely grateful to all of the participants and donors from last year who helped make our first race such a success. We were able to raise over $100,000 from the generosity of our family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, and complete strangers.
With the money we raised, the Canadian DBA board, which I am a member of, was able to help fund medical research progressing in Sweden at the the Lund University. Over the last couple of months, Eric and I have been talking closely with the scientists and medical professionals in Sweden and New York. 23 years ago, this team started studying gene therapy for DBA and they are specifically focused on the RPS19 gene which is Monroes gene mutation. They have made incredible strides in the last few years and are going to clinical trial on humans within the next few months. As you can imagine, gene therapy comes with astronomical costs (approximately 1-3 million per patient) and we are looking to support this initiative. Their initial goal is to perfect gene therapy treatment for the RPS19 gene, which will then enable them to continue down the path of treating all DBA patients with other gene mutations, along with other hematologic bone marrow failure disorders.
Having the potential option of gene therapy, has given our family the gift of HOPE for the first time since Monroes diagnosis. As parents of a child with a chronic life threatening medical condition, raising money for medical research is one of the few positive ways we can make a difference in Monroes quality of life and the lives of all the children living with DBA.
Check out this short video that captured last years event!
Please consider helping the Horne family by registering for the race and donating!
All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.
2nd Annual Calgary DBA Dash
September 10th, 2023
Race start time: 3pm
Park at weaselhead parking lot at 66st and 37 ave SW
Post race party at the park behind our house!
Come enjoy live music, refreshments, food trucks and prizes!
Donate to help Meghan raise money for DBA Diamond Dash’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Aug 14 | Ryan Sirski | $250.00 |
Aug 14 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Aug 11 | Damon Formos | $100.00 |
Aug 10 | Alix Lord | $250.00 |
Aug 09 | Anaam Karim | $250.00 |
Aug 09 | Anonymous | $5,000.00 |
Aug 09 | Anonymous | $250.00 |
Aug 09 | Coolen Family | $250.00 |
Aug 08 | Jason, Parker & Preston Hardy | $100.00 |
Aug 08 | The Callins | $100.00 |