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The Arc of Massachusetts

About Our Charity


For nearly 70 years, The Arc of Massachusetts has been enhancing lives of the more than 200,000 people with autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in our Commonwealth and their families. We advocate for supports and community-based services such as family support, employment, recreation, and residential. 

The Arc is at the forefront of the fight for better lives for people with autism and IDD, working to ensure the rights of people with disabilities, obtain funding for support services, and seek the passage of good policies and laws, such as Nicky’s Law.

The Arc of Massachusetts is excited to be participating in the Flutie 5K for a second year! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with people in the community and inform them about our advocacy and programs. 

Our mission is to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism, and their families. We fulfill this through advocacy for community supports and services that foster social inclusion, self-determination, and equity across all aspects of society. Support from donors like you makes our work possible. 



The Arc of Massachusetts plays a leadership role in advocating on the state and federal levels to obtain services and supports for people of all ages with IDD and autism. 


Education and Transition Training 

We offer a range of webinars and educational resources for self-advocates, parents, educators, and other professionals so they can learn about available resources. 


Operation House Call (OHC)

OHC advances health equity for persons with disabilities. Future medical professionals at seven medical and graduate nursing schools, are taught essential skills to enhance the health care of persons with IDD. Families, parents, and individual self-advocates serve as educators in a field that seldom focuses on more than making a diagnosis.


SUPPORTbrokers assists persons with disabilities achieve their vision through planning, education, and advocacy. 


Widening the Circle: Friendships Project 

Widening the Circle explores the benefits of relationships between people with and without disabilities and provides information on engaging in and sustaining those relationships. 

Learn more about The Arc of Massachusetts and the impact we have at


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 16 Elizabeth McCarthy Go Team Andy!! Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Brendan Alway support team Andy!! $52.75
Oct 16 Elizabeth & Ron Reede $52.75
Oct 16 Roberta Lowell I support team Andy and OHC! Roberta Lowell $250.00
Sep 09 Ronald Ponchak Undisclosed amount
Aug 24 Sue Undisclosed amount