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Help Lynn raise money

For participating in 9th Annual - Race To Stop Hunger 5k

My Story…

I continue to proudly serve on the board of this "small but mighty" organization that feeds starving people in Nicaragua and around the world and hungry people in our local community.  Since last year's race we have doubled the number of meals packed to 286,416 AND on July 15th, we packed our 5 MILLIONTH MEAL since we began operations.  Recipients of these nutritious meals in the past year include our sponsored orphanages in Nicaragua, the Northern Illinois Food Bank, local food pantries near Bloomingdale, Illinois, and Turkey and Syria after the tragic earthquake five months ago.  Thank you for considering making a donation!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 29 Soraya Pickett What a great reason to run!! Good luck! $107.35
Jul 28 Mercedes Venegas Good luck, this is a great cause. $54.10
Jul 28 Kathy Hartwig God bless you Lynn and your team for this most worthwhile charity. Undisclosed amount
Jul 27 Herb Boehm Lynn-- Thank you for your service! Undisclosed amount
Jul 27 Carole Gebka Thanks, Lynn! God Bless you and all the volunteers. Undisclosed amount
Jul 27 Laura Lawson Undisclosed amount
Jul 27 Melissa and Katie Thanks for all you do! The world is a better place with you in it! $107.35
Jul 26 Dan Kleiman Love the grassroots approach. People helping people. Good on you Lynn. $107.35
Jul 25 Kris Shalda Good luck, Lynn. Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Susan Gordon Run like the wind!!! $107.35