Raise money for The Golden Heart Fund
When the camaraderie and routines go away, professional athletes often experience uncertainty, loss of identity, and financial strain. Additionally, the physical toll of the game often causes chronic health challenges.
The Golden Heart Fund is a player-led support network supported by fans like you. Guided by the ethos of the Faithful, The Golden Heart Fund provides comprehensive support to 49ers after their football careers end. We not only supports our athletes — but their immediate families as well.
Our three-fold approach includes:
Funding Dire Needs
• Allocating grants for financial support
Providing Benefits Concierge Services
• Helping players navigate and claim their benefits
Fostering Post-competitive Development
• Career development
• Counseling
• Community
All donations help connect former 49ers to a player-led community where alumni support one another in navigating the challenges that come with life after football.
navigating the challenges that come with life after football.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
49ers Bay Area Faithful Social Club
Raised: $2,361.11
Team Aspen
Raised: $705.60
The Goons
Raised: $185.31
Hume Fogg Academic
Raised: $137.40
Team RWB
Raised: $131.21
The Golden Heart Fund
Raised: $79.10
Raised: $54.10
Micron Technology
Raised: $54.10
Team Aspen
Raised: $27.48
Silicon Valley Woori Church
Raised: $27.48
Marvelous Marvins
Raised: $27.48
Niner Empire 831
Raised: $27.48
Team Heartthrob
Raised: $27.48
Raised: $25.00
The Newbies
Raised: $11.50
Team Chavez
Raised: $6.18
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Alex Garwood
Raised: $533.35
Razya Pollock
Raised: $265.55
Chris Hart
Raised: $250.00
Arlene Illa
Raised: $216.41
Donna Patrick
Raised: $211.45
Sue McAllister
Raised: $209.06
Claus Stoeppel
Raised: $175.00
Mary Henderson
Raised: $173.04
Jamie Garrison
Raised: $162.31
Kelsey Rothrock
Raised: $161.45
Shelley Miguel
Raised: $107.35
Noah Hammerman
Raised: $103.73
Meagan Stephens
Raised: $79.95
Kevin Jones
Raised: $65.60
Barnaby Wong
Raised: $54.10
Aspen Pollock
Raised: $54.10
Erika Byun
Raised: $54.10
Jayce Wong
Raised: $54.10
Margie Carrington
Raised: $50.00
Tamara Woosley
Raised: $27.48
Michael Paul Wong
Raised: $27.48
Austin Walwyn
Raised: $27.48
Alexis Geh
Raised: $27.48
Sophia Walwyn
Raised: $27.48
Jayden Chand
Raised: $27.48
Metzi Porras
Raised: $27.48
Kimberly Homer
Raised: $25.00
Leanne Gerlach
Raised: $25.00
Zacary Ramirez
Raised: $11.50
Arthur Lopez
Raised: $11.50
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Sep 22 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 22 | Anonymous | $11.50 |
Sep 22 | Jaspreet Mann | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 21 | Aaron Vega | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 21 | Paulo Santos | $27.48 |
Sep 19 | Anonymous | $27.48 |
Sep 19 | Michael Abrigo | $54.10 |
Sep 19 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 18 | Anonymous | $27.48 |
Sep 18 | AthLife, Inc | $107.35 |