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Paint Pittston Pink

Raise money for Paint Pittston Pink

Paint Pittston Pink is a week-long community event being held to raise money for breast cancer research.  Our mission is to bring the community together to support a cure for ALL cancers through research and clinical trials.  


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 16 Springbrook Fireworks $107.35
Aug 16 Anonymous $54.10
Aug 16 Judy Gildea Guthrie In memory of my dear sister Marianna Gildea Smith. $107.35
Aug 16 Anonymous $27.48
Aug 16 Kelly Jordan/Mark Warunek You are truly an amazing person! I am so proud to call you a friend for over 40 years! Thank you for everything you do. $27.48
Aug 16 Flo Joyce Thank you for all you do. $54.10
Aug 16 Carmen & Erin Sciandra Pretty in Pink—-Go Nellie!! $107.35
Aug 15 Brady family $27.48
Aug 15 The Homschek’s $27.48