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Help Brandon raise money

For participating in COLOR ME PINK 5K 2023

My Story…

Brandon Jopling is a lifelong resident of the Greater Pittston Area, being raised in Jenkins Twp. and Avoca and currently residing in Pittston City.  He was a 2014 graduate of PAVCS before continuing his education at the University of Central Florida, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English.

For the past 6 years, Brandon has been employed as Director of Music and Liturgy and Pastoral Associate at St. Joseph Marello Parish in Pittston.  His greatest joy and honor is to provide music for the congregation of his home parish and leading them in song each week.

Along with his full-time job, Brandon is also a Community Columnist for the Greater Pittston Progress, where he serves as correspondent for Pittston Township, Jenkins Township, and Yatesville Borough.  He enjoys this assignment because it allows him to remain involved and in-touch with his local community, a community for which he has a great love and passion.

Brandon is also known through his musical involvement with bands in our area.  He is a member of Reel in the Years trio alongside Ray Nemetz and Hughestown-native Richie Kossuth, as well as being involved with other NEPA music acts.  He is an Assistant Baseball coach in the Holy Redeemer School System, Grand Knight of the St. Joseph Marello Parish Knights of Columbus Council. 

Brandon is running in honor of his grandmother, Susan Kellett who is a survivor of uterine cancer, along with his Uncle Michael Costello and Aunt Annarose and Uncle Brian McNulty, who lost their battles with cancer at very young ages.  

Brandon is the son of Thomas and Carly Jopling and has three younger siblings: Aidan, 25, Leia, 15, and Kaitlyn, 10.  

He supports Paint Pittston Pink because of its ties to our local community, including that of his beloved cousin Melissa Latona, and the amazing work that is benefitted by the efforts of this dedicated and determined group.  He is proud of the work done to help those in need and was honored to be asked to play a small part for this great organization.  

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 27 Anonymous $1,000.00
Sep 27 Arielle and Mare Secoolish Good luck, Brandon! Thank you for running to save lives. We’re rooting for you! $54.10
Sep 26 Reel In The Years From Heather & Sugar $25.00
Sep 18 Emory and Peggy Guffrovich Thanks for slipping on heels and running for the cure! $54.10
Sep 15 Marion Tetlak from church You will look great in high heels! Undisclosed amount
Sep 09 Ann Irvin Brandon, good luck in your Gentleman’s Dash run to benefit Paint Pittston Pink! Sincerely, Ann Irvin $27.48
Sep 03 Chase Liska and Family Good Luck Coach B! $27.48
Sep 02 Lois Morreale Good Luck Brandon! $54.10
Aug 29 Anonymous $27.48
Aug 29 Char and Rick Barge $54.10