My Story…
Hello, and thank you for visiting my page!
I am Dion Fernandes and I am very honored to be participating in the Paint Pittston Pink 2023 Gentlemen’s Dash.
I am running in honor of my wife’s Aunt Patty, Pat McGarry, who is a breast cancer survivor; my Aunt Donna, Donna Selner, also a cancer survivor; and my Uncle Jack Thomas, who is currently battling cancer. I am also proudly running for those loved ones and their families that we have cared for over the decades at Howell-Lussi Funeral Home Inc.
I was born in Wilkes-Barre in June, 1976; graduated from Wyoming Area in 1994, and The Act 120 Program at Lackawanna Junior College in 2000. I was a police officer for 20 years, and am a member of the Greater Pittston Regional Ambulance.
I am proud to be President at Howell-Lussi Funeral Home in West Pittston where I began assisting Bob and Jane Lussi in 2007. After serving hundreds of area families together, Bob Lussi and I formed a corporation. Now I, along with my staff, proudly continue helping families during their time of need.
A member of St. John the Evangelist and Corpus Christi Parish, I am a founding and Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus at St. Joseph Marello Parish where I have held several offices after the formation of the council, and a founding member of the St. John Paul II Knights of Columbus at Corpus Christi Parish where I serve as the Grand Knight.
In what my wife will tell you was the luckiest day of my life, and I have to agree, I am married to the former Abbey Mitchell, Hughestown, and we have been blessed with two incredible sons: Alexander, 4 and Nathan, 1. We currently reside in Avoca, but are looking forward to moving to Hughestown in the very near future.
I am grateful to Barb Sciandra for creating an organization that does such important work, while bringing the town together with the special events run by Paint Pittston Pink. I am also grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Gentlemen’s Dash. It is a fun, spirited event that always becomes the talk of the town.
I am proud to be a part of the Dash, and I humbly ask for your generous support. Paint Pittston Pink supports cancer research for all cancers, and you have the peace of mind of knowing exactly where your money is going, and how it is being spent.
My goal is $20,000.00 and when I reach it, I will wear a pink Speedo and swim a few laps in a local indoor swimming pool.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Aug 30 | Mike "Firemark"Nocera | Undisclosed amount |
Aug 30 | Tom and Chrissy Campenni | $27.48 |
Aug 29 | Shoemaker Avenue Animal Hospital | $267.10 |
Aug 24 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Aug 23 | Allison Coleman | $54.10 |
Aug 17 | Barb and Sal Sciandra and Family | $25.00 |
Aug 17 | usavage plumbing corp | $107.35 |
Aug 17 | Second Presbyterian Church - Mission Committee | $267.10 |
Aug 17 | Kristin Reed | $27.48 |