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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in Take It In Strides Run

My Story…

Hi, thank you for supporting my fundraiser for this amazing initiative. As someone who spent many years struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, this cause is very near and dear to my heart. Please help me in supporting other survivors of mental illness, in raising awareness for suicide prevention and in honouring of all the beautiful people we’ve lost to suicide.


The proceeds from this event will go to the Canadian Mental Health Association and Children's Centre Foundation to provide suicide prevention and intervention programs to youth and adults locally. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 08 Romane I admire what you’re doing ❤️ sending love $10.00
Sep 08 Emily D Always rooting for you! Thanks for raising awareness and using your voice!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 08 Jayda Undisclosed amount
Sep 08 Manustasia Thank you for being here and blessing all of us with your kind heart! Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Monica You go girl! Undisclosed amount