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Help Real Housewives of Red Deer raise money

For participating in Red Deer Lip Sync Battle 2023

My Story…

Please help us support an amazing cause, by sponsoring us to perform in the 2023 Lip Sync Battle for the Outreach Centre! 

100% of Donations received will go directly to the cause. We appreciate your support, and if you’d like to purchase tickets to watch us perform on either November 30 or December 14th we would appreciate all the cheering we can get! 

It’s going to be a spectacle, you won’t want to miss! 

Donate to help Real Housewives of Red Deer raise money for Red Deer Lip Sync Battle 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 20 Kety Wiens Girls!!! You are on the way. So VERY PROUD OF YOU ALL ❤️ CA$107.72
Oct 12 Crystal & Jerry Lam CA$500.00
Oct 06 Kaisra Esmail Knock ‘em dead CA$500.00
Oct 01 Kate Balon I can’t wait to see you girls on stage!! If you need someone to help with choreo or cleaning your routines, you know who to call! 😉😉 CA$107.72
Sep 23 Eileen and Laura Lynn Giv er shit gals CA$50.00
Sep 23 Brooke Gamache Get it girls! Super proud! CA$107.72
Sep 23 Nancy Curtis CA$25.00