Welcome to the City Beach Teeball Club!
Registrations have now closed but the are limited spots available. If you would like to register, please contact Nina on cbteeballregistrar@gmail.com or 0457 090 084.
If this will be your precious child's first year, a very warm welcome. Teeball is a great sport for girls and boys whether in mixed or single teams and builds teamwork, hand/eye co-ordination but most of all is super fun. If you are returning to the club this year, welcome back and we look forward to another great season.
As per normal, your t-shirt and pants are loaned to you from the club. Hats are purchased from the club for $15, this option has been included as a part of the registration process. You may still have a hat from last season.
If you still have your uniform from the 2023/24 season, please contact us to arrange return.
Season Kick Off - Collect your uniform - Starter Kits
We are planning an open day in early September, where you can come down and collect uniforms, collect your team's equipment kit and buy equipment from Fielders Choice. Further details to follow by email.
Game Days
Under 7's and under 9's arrive at the ground at 8am to warm up, ready to start play at 8:30am. The game duration is approximately 1 hour.
Under 11's arrive at the ground at 9:45am ready to begin play at 10:15am. The game duration is also approximately 1 hour.
Training days and times will vary for individual teams depending on the availability of the coach and players. This will be determined as soon as teams and coaches confirm availability.
Parent Support
Please be aware that when registering your child/children, you will be asked to support the club either by coaching, managing, umpiring and setting up/packing down diamond on the game day. We are also looking for volunteers to assist with the City Beach Teeball Committee but these roles are to support parents and volunteers who are already undertaking those roles and so it won't require a lot from you. The Club depends on volunteers to exist, so any time you can give would be very much appreciated.
Registration fees
Individual Child Closed
Online registration closed-
Early bird pricing
Nov 1 – Aug 16 -
Regular price
Aug 17 – Nov 1
Contact information
- Event contact
- City Beach Tee Ball Club
- Phone
- 0457 090 084
- Website
- Visit website