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Help Michele raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024

My Story…


In March I celebrated 4 years at Trellis Society. When I wonder why I am here, it is a simple answer. 

Belonging and futures.

When people arrive at a Trellis door, they matter, they are welcome, and through conversations and connections, they build plans with our trained counsellors and therapists to stay the course in school, maintain housing, access employment programs, set their kids up in recreational programming, and access mental health supports.

One Mom, who was determined for better for her children, accessed multiple supports. She then volunteered and found a passion, and went back to college and now has her sights set on becoming a counsellor herself, with her compassion and lived experience.

And when the time was right, she invited her Trellis counsellor to meet her at her bank. And when they met, she handed back some of the funds which she had been given to support her. 

Because she knew someone else could use that support ahead. In the future.

Whatever you give, I thank you, and I appreciate you.

Here's to our One Door. To belonging and to growing futures.....

p.s. I have never, in my sport-playing (still at soccer) life, done a 5km. According to a quick Google...the: 
Average Time to Walk 5km by Age !!! for Females is: 
1 hour and15 minutes... after the race I'll update on how I did!

p.p.s. Donations are being accepted up to June 24th! Again, I appreciate you considering this and whatever you give is so appreciated!

THANKS EVERYONE FOR DONATING TO ME AND TO MY COLLEAGES! The walk took us 50 minutes, and it was an easy stroll... with a couple of speeded up moments! Really enjoyed it and I am inspired to try it again!  Thank YOU for your support! Honestly touched by the generosity!


Thank you for visiting my page! You can help Trellis reach it's collective goal of $60,000 for young people and families! 

Funds raised support Calgary and surrounding area through a broad spectrum of programs focusing on Youth Housing and Shelter, Education, Employment, Early Childhood Development, Immigration and New Canadians, Foster Care, Residential and Treatment Facilities, Clubs and Experiential Learning, and Indigenous Initiatives.

Thank you for giving generously to Calgary Marathon in support of Trellis Society. Your contribution will restore hope and possibility to those who would otherwise be without. To learn more about how your efforts will make a difference, visit the Trellis Society website here.

Thank you!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 08 Peakhill Capital Peakhill Capital Matching Gift from Glenn Suart & Michele Chiasson-Suart $250.00