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Help us raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2024


Thank you for visiting our page! 

You can help us reach our goal of raising $60,000 for young people and families! 

Trellis works to end youth and family homelessness and create spaces for belonging and exploration in our community. We provide education and employment connections and ensure a safe home environment for youth and children whether that be through foster care, group care or in their own home. And we support deeper connections by meeting people where they are, across all cultures, languages and diversity spectrums. Trellis is committed to empowering individuals and communities with the support they need to grow beyond life’s challenges and reach their dreams. 

Thank you for giving generously to Calgary Marathon in support of Trellis Society. Your contribution will restore hope and possibility to those who would otherwise be without. To learn more about how your efforts will make a difference, visit the Trellis Society website here.

Special thanks to Bluevale Capital Group and Peakhill Capital for stepping forward as Team Trellis' fundraising matching partners!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 25 Sammy $54.31
May 25 The Stecklers $27.60
May 25 Anonymous $27.60
May 25 Jodi Hainsworth Run strong, inspire change! $54.31
May 25 Jimmy Gibson Undisclosed amount
May 25 Helen Jarvis Go William ! Undisclosed amount
May 25 Mary-Stewart Torrie Good job William! $107.72
May 25 Dave Shortreed Way to go sis! $54.31
May 25 Wayne Benz Great work Jeff! $107.72
May 25 Alona Johnson Go Teri Go!! $27.60