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For participating in Toronto Marathon

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Our story…

I lost my sister last year. My parents lost their daughter, my family lost their first-born girl of my generation, her friends lost a pillar of support in their lives…when she passed on, we all lost. And losing Sabrina has brought a deep melancholy that no one and nothing can ever take away, it’s just a dead part of our soul that will always belong to her memory and the grief of never getting to hear her laugh or hold her hand again. She passed away from cancer. This vicious disease continues to take our loved ones and our communities suffer loss year after year.

But not today. Today we are not losing, we are fighting back. Because of Sinead and Stevie, an army of folks are participating in the Toronto Marathon this May to raise funds for Princess Margaret Hospital, the Toronto-based cancer clinic that is world-renowned for providing as best care they can to this vicious disease. In honor of her memory, one year after losing a pillar in our family and community, we are coming together, challenging ourselves to run - because for someone who fought so hard to live, the best way we can honor her memory is to not take this life for granted.

About Sabrina if you never got the pleasure of meeting her in this realm: Sabrina was the type of person to nestle into the heart of anyone that met her. She loved to travel, connect with her friends, explore new wellness and lifestyle hacks, indulge in good food and wine, buy fabulous shoes, help those in need, advance in her career, learn about financial management, play the piano, tend for her puppy Miel…there is so much anyone could describe her as, but words cannot fully capture her essence. Sabrina was a very loving, deeply creative and spiritual person. She died 3 weeks before her 33rd birthday. She had her whole life in front of her. Most of us are still trying to hack it at her age, and she was too. She had to work really hard to fight to thrive. She was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer at age 17. She went through chemotherapy and brain surgery before 25. She watched other people pass her in life as they went onto build families, buy homes, move to other countries and do all of the things that she so deeply desired - but her path was different. Rather than focus on what she was no longer having in the life she painted a picture of before her diagnosis, she threw away the brushes and pallette, and she started to mould a life built on strong mental wellness, emotional resilience, spiritual connection, yoga and meditation….oh and of course fabulous shoes.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 07 Jovan & Rohan Dhanjal Beautiful way to honour our Sabrina Undisclosed amount
May 06 Sandeep Sambhi Undisclosed amount
May 06 Liv and Tay So proud of you both!! We are sending so much love and support from London xx $107.35
May 05 Amar and Simerjeet Sodi Undisclosed amount
May 05 Anonymous $250.00
May 05 David Zilkey Love you arj. Proud of you for all the work you put into fundraising and training <3 $10.73
May 04 Shivohum Wishing you all the best Arjun! $26.84
May 04 Jasmina I'm so proud of you Arjun. In honour of Sabs, she will be cheering you on all the way to the finish line!! Undisclosed amount
May 04 Absolute Heath Care/Dr.Skinner Go team Sabrina Go! See you at the finish line. Undisclosed amount
May 04 Shreya, Arjun, Sowmya Masi and VK All the best for the race Arjun. Sabrina will be cheering you on as will we all. $268.36