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Help Claire raise money

For participating in 2024 DICK'S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon Weekend

My Story…


This will be my FIRST half-marathon! My friend has ran a couple and raised tons of money for the MS Society. She has gotten me to run more than I ever have, most recently in the Great Race! She has MS and I find her to be an inspiration. 

In addition, my late grandfather had MS. He had MS in a time where there were less treatment options. As a child, I witnessed his progression very up close and personal. He engaged in many research studies in attempt to improve his MS and others. My hope is by raising money, more research and treatment options will continue to become available to those in need. In addition, my hope is the money will support those with MS and their family through education, support groups, and other advocacy work. 

Please consider chipping in some money to help this amazing cause continue to help individuals like my running buddy! Thank you! 

Donate to help Claire raise money for 2024 DICK'S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 10 Brian Stamps Running For Dick’s, Haha I’ll support that I suppose 🤣 $54.10