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Help Chris raise money

For participating in 2024 DICK'S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon Weekend

I Run to Cure CF!

Hi everyone! I'm excited to share that I will be joining Chris's Fighters as a runner this year! For those unfamilar with my story, I ran the Pittsburgh half marathon in 2013 and 2014. I also have Cystic Fibrosis and starting in 2015, my health began to take a pretty drastic turn. Within a year, I went from being able to run fairly well to struggling to climb a flight of stairs. It was pretty clear at that point that I wouldn't be running again anytime soon. My family, led by my cousin Tara, started the Chris's Fighters relay team and continued to raise money for the CF Foundation in my absence. 

By 2019 into 2020, CF had really beaten me down both mentally and physically. I was completely dependent on supplemental oxygen and rarely had the energy or ability to do anything I enjoyed. In August of 2020, I was given a second chance after receiving a double lung transplant. I spent most of my first couple years after transplant focused on recovery, returning to work, and gaining back all of the strength I had lost from being sick for the previous 5 years. I had the eventual goal of running again in the back of my mind but any attempt that I made was so hard that it discouraged me from pushing it further. 

A few months ago, I felt like I was in a good place to give running one more good, honest effort. The first few weeks were...miserable. But I could see myself making progress which was motivating me to continue. I still have a LONG way to go if I hope to get back to what I was once capable of, but for now I believe I'll be able to (slowly and painfully) join our relay team. I can't thank everyone enough who has supported Chris's Fighters throughout the last 10 years. Your donations make it possible for CF patients to continue to fight this horrible disease and I can't understate how much strength and motivation I've pulled from all of you. 

If you happen to see me out there on race day, be sure to throw some encouragement my way-- I'll desperately need it! 


Cystic fibrosis is a rare, genetic disease found in about 40,000 people in the U.S. causing persistent lung infections and limiting the ability to breath over time. Those living with this disease are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends, and co-workers --all struggling each day just to breathe and live normal, healthy lives. 

While there has been significant progress in treating this disease, there is still no cure and too many lives are cut far too short. By participating in the Pittsburgh Marathon on behalf of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,  I run to help add tomorrows to the lives of all people living with cystic fibrosis today. Please make a difference and support me by donating to my fundraising campaign today! 

Then please consider joining the team!  For more information - reach out to Fallon DeRiggi -

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 31 Patti Raybuck Proud of you sweetie! Undisclosed amount
Mar 24 Abby Chiappelli Undisclosed amount
Feb 29 Andrew Dopsovic Great work Chris, keep it up!!! $107.35
Feb 18 Rocklynn DeMarco Run Chris Run!!! Hope it's great. Undisclosed amount
Feb 10 Dave and Lisa Aliquo Go team! $27.48
Feb 09 Felicia You are an inspiration! Honored to support you all! $54.10
Feb 08 Stephanie Galanick Get it , Chris!!!!! 👏🏻 $107.35
Feb 08 Laura McCurdy Way to go Chris! Undisclosed amount
Feb 08 Mary F Hicks WOW!! Run Chris Run! :) Way to go Tara! $54.10