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Hope The Mission

Raise money for Hope The Mission


Our mission is to prevent, reduce and eliminate poverty, hunger and homelessness. We do this by offering immediate assistance and long-term solutions. We are an inclusive faith-based independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that does not discriminate based on gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or lack thereof. Our services are grounded in a deep respect for the dignity inherent in each human being.


We believe that everybody and everything deserves a second chance. As a faith-based compassion ministry, we focus on the spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, occupational and financial needs of our clients. Our two-pronged approach starts with crisis intervention then bridges clients, when they are ready, into long-term services that address chronic obstacles.

Core Values: Compassion - Integrity - Faith - Diversity - Growth


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Anonymous Go Gracie! Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Jordan You go Gracie Poo!! Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Dom C. $25.00
Nov 19 Lauri DeVore $26.25
Nov 19 Elsega Villatoro Love Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Aidan Fregosi Undisclosed amount
Nov 18 Mary Teresa Manthis $26.25
Nov 18 Michael .A Gammas for the cause! Undisclosed amount
Nov 18 Rachel Weber $105.00