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Help Francis raise money

For participating in 2024 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

My friend Adeen is a 4 year old math prodigy who loves numbers and Minecraft. 

In every corner of the world, there are individuals on the autism spectrum like Adeen who possess remarkable talents, innovative ideas, and boundless potential. However, they often face challenges in accessing appropriate support and opportunities for growth.

It is for this reason that I invite you to join me in this mission to embrace autism, empower individuals, and inspire communities worldwide by giving to Autism Speaks Canada.

Let's strive for a more inclusive world together.


Donate to help Francis raise money for 2024 BMO Vancouver Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 19 Anonymous Well done Francis ! Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Ellen "elzbelz" Crosley Go Francis!!! $11.58
Apr 18 Ahmed Good luck sir Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 16 Eben Good luck my brother, and thank you for your advocacy for Adeen and others like him around the world! Undisclosed amount
Apr 06 Francis for Autism Undisclosed amount