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Help Rosie raise money

For participating in 2024 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

Hello everyone! 

I am writing this with just 30 days out from my first-ever marathon and let me tell you the energy and excitement are at an all-time high. As someone who has battled with mental health struggles and witnessed family and friends do the same, I will be asking you to donate whatever you can in honour of the Canadian Mental Health Association. With 330 community locations, CMHA is a nationwide organization that promotes mental health and supports people recovering from mental illness. 

Running has always been an outlet for me and is always there when I need it. It has taught me mental toughness and resilience. Training for this race has taught me so much more about my self than I could have ever imagined. Please consider donating to this cause! 

Let's do this damn thing!!!


One of our goals is to support youth mental health early, to give them tools to support their life and most importantly, let them know they aren’t alone in their fight. Whether this was your story as a teen or now, or you saw a family member struggle with mental health and weren’t sure what to do, running for CMHA-VF is a commitment to making the Vancouver Fraser community better.

You are pounding the pavement anyway, and doing it as a mental health ally with a great song pushing you forward will have more impact than you can imagine. You can be the match that lights a child up and lets them know they have a lot of fight left in them.

Join us.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 06 Maya Mendell slay queen!! $11.58
Apr 05 Pat Weinreb Good luck Rosie, we are rooting for you! $20.12
Apr 05 Mom Yahoooo! You are an inspiration sweetie! Way to go!! $18.00
Apr 05 Cheryl and Shimmy Plener $54.31
Apr 05 The Berr Family Run, Rosie, Run!!! $54.31