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Help us raise money

For participating in 2024 BMO Vancouver Marathon

Our story…

Both Dr. Janson Lee and Dr. Anika Lee had volunteered and worked at Learning Buddies Network in different capacities as tutors, coordinators and staff when they were high school and university students.  

They know from first hand experience that your donation will have great impact in empowering through reading and math.

Every $20 of your generous donation will help fund one hour of free tutoring to elementary school age children who are behind in reading and math.

By recruiting high school and university students as tutors & mentors, LBN also provides a meaningful and rewarding volunteer experience to our youth and young adults with an opportunity to act as a role model to children and develop leadership and communication skills

Thank you very much for joining Lee Family Dentistry in fundraising for Learning Buddies Network.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 23 Dr Elisa K K Yu Dental Inc Go Alice Go. $267.96
Apr 11 Anonymous So happy to support you, Anna, in a cause so near and dear to your heart. $107.72
Apr 11 Anonymous $100.00
Apr 09 Alice Great to have you in the Lee Family Dentistry Team. Hope you will enjoy your first BMO event. $25.00
Dec 19 Regina Alice , have a great run. Undisclosed amount