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Raise money for OMRA

OMRA’s mission is to make it possible for resettled refugees to obtain affordable housing in Ottawa.  OMRA provides rental subsidies to approved refugee families and individuals.  OMRA also advocates for better access to affordable housing in our city.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 02 Elizabeth McDonald Undisclosed amount
May 02 Colleen Calvert $54.63
May 02 Daphne Gilbert Enjoy your walk! I'm sure you'll blow by most walkers given the speed at which I see you zoom around our neighbourhood! $54.63
May 02 Anna It's a family affair! Love it. Bravo and hope OMRA meets their goal for such important work. xo $108.31
May 02 Anna Way to go, Hugo!! Proud of you running for a good cause! $54.63
May 02 Anna Bravo Cecilia! Such a big girl and already doing good in the world :-) $54.63
May 01 20.00 Bravo Mireille, Hugo et Cecil. You are such a great role model Mireille. Undisclosed amount
May 01 Anonymous Enjoy your walk Carol Ann Undisclosed amount
May 01 private donor thank you for all you are doing Carol Anne $54.63
May 01 BeeVee Wonderful initiative. Enjoy the event and spread your sunshine as only you can do, CA. $27.80