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Options Bytown Housing

Raise money for Options Bytown Housing

Options Bytown is an Ottawa-based supportive housing provider that helps people get out of shelters and in to stable, permanent housing.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 12 Nana $54.63
May 11 Kelly and Jason $54.63
May 10 John B $27.80
May 10 Catina B $27.80
May 08 John Hucker Good luck! $250.00
May 07 Liz W Go team! $108.31
May 02 Annie Evening out that odd number. Undisclosed amount
May 01 Jennifer Dupuis A great initiative! $27.80
May 01 Jessica Dupuis $30.00
May 01 Jessica Laurin $25.00