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Help Angela raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024

My Story…

Yay! I'm so glad you're here.

Thank you for following along another great race season. There's nothing quite like a challenge to get me moving and this year brings a new challenge for me as I will take on 3 separate runs! On Saturday I will be running in the 5 and 10k distances, and on Sunday, I'll finish strong with a Half Marathon. I'm really, really hoping to beat 1:56 but I've never done it and I've also never done three races back to back.

Most importantly, of course, is the fundraising. The last two years have  been humbling as I've raised funds for organizations that have directly supported me, and the generosity from my community has been astounding.

This year I'll be raising  funds for Ovarian Cancer Canada in honour of my mum. A steadfast, determined survivor who beat the odds, and ovarian cancer nearly two decades ago, all whilst raising my brother and I who are, let's be honest a handful at the best of times.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, Roughly 3,000 women were expected to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year, and an estimated 1,950 will die from it.   Only 45% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will survive more than 5 years. 

Ovarian cancer is widely considered the most serious of women's Cancer. In large part because it is so hard to diagnose, and is often too far progressed by the time it's caught.

Please donate generously, or, if you're feeling motivated, join my team. I'd be happy to take you out on a few training runs ;)

Thanks for reading this far, now please go get your credit card.

Love always,


Donate to help Angela raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 15 Anonymous Good luck Undisclosed amount
Feb 19 Angela Prescott Homes $55.09