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Help Mark raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024

My Story…

🏃‍♂️🎗️ Running for a Cause: Join Me in the Fight Against Cancer at the Ottawa Tamarack Race Weekend! 🎗️🏃‍♂️ This Year is DAMN PERSONAL!

Despite a lack of training I'll be lacing up my running shoes once again for the Ottawa Tamarack Race Weekend, marking my third year participating in this incredible event. While last year I tackled the half marathon, this time around, I'll be taking on the 10km race with determination and purpose.

But this year's race holds an even deeper significance for me. It's not just about crossing the finish line—it's about making every step count in the fight against cancer.

This past fall, my father, Ivan, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. It was a diagnosis that rocked our world and brought the reality of cancer even closer to home. But through the ups and downs of his chemotherapy treatments, my family has remained resilient, holding onto hope and gratitude for the incredible care provided by our health professionals.

We recently received the results from his chemotherapy treatments and his cancer is nearly gone. He will require radiation to treat what remains and full removal and a cure is very much possible. With my increased gratefulness to treatments and for our health care workers, I am more determined than ever to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Every dollar raised, every kilometer run, brings us one step closer to finding better treatments and ultimately, a cure.

So, as I lace up my shoes and take to the streets of Ottawa, I invite you to join me in this journey. Whether you donate, cheer from the sidelines, or lace up your own shoes to run alongside me, your support means the world to me and to all those affected by cancer.

Together, let's turn every stride into hope, and every finish line into a victory in the fight against cancer.

With purpose, Mark

Donate to help Mark raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 28 Anonymous Hi Mark, Sorry I missed the deadline - I was away. Thanks for doing your bit to deal with cancer - all the best for your dad.... Judy Undisclosed amount
May 27 Bob and Glennda Oliviet $55.09
May 25 James $28.25
May 25 ATTABOY Awesome just awesome. Thinking of you for your run and your dad in his journey $55.09
May 25 Jim Sills $216.10
May 25 Jen, Brad, Joshua $108.76
May 24 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 23 Chet & Sandy Babcock Thank you Mark for participating in this $55.09
May 22 Scott Chadwick $175.00
May 17 Scott Buckley Happy to support you and help kick cancers ass! Way to go Mark! $100.00