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Help Laura raise money

For participating in 2024 Forest City Cycling Challenge

My Story…

If you know me, you know I experience the Forest City by bike, for commuting, fitness and fun. I'm a board member at London Cycle Link and frequent volunteer of Squeaky Wheel Bike Co-op (come check us out).

This Winter/Spring 2024 I am happy to once again support St. Joseph’s Health Care London. They provide care, carry out research and purchase equipment and materials that improve the quality of life of patients struggling with mental illness.

Although I can't pretend to fathom the depths of such struggles, I do know how easy it is to spiral into negative thoughts. It's hard to break out of bad thinking habits. Sometimes our normal becomes feeling angry, sad or worried all the time. That can't be right! Exercise can help us balance out or even replace those less-than-healthy habits and build some that serve us better in their place.

If you're able to:

   - make a donation to St. Joe's and their patients above (my goal is $300)

   - cheer me on as I ride 50K on June 2nd

   - get on a bike and enjoy the flow of a steady ride

There's a correlation between all the happiest times in my life and my heading out to cycle regularly, so cheers to that. Join me sometime 💙



Donate to help raise money for 2024 Forest City Cycling Challenge fundraising campaign. 

The 4th Annual Forest City Gran Fondo (2024), presented by Lerners Lawyers, is a fundraising cycling event in the London, Ontario and surrounding area. Proceeds from the event will support Mental Health Care at St. Joseph’s Health Care London and the purchase of equipment dedicated to those with severe and persistent mental illness.

You can find out more by visiting the event website at ''.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 04 Laura Galvis Daza Happy to participate in the event and support SJHF for now my 3rd year in a row! $54.63