Did you register to participate in-person but can't make it on race day? You don't have to miss out! You can transfer your registration to the virtual event at any point before the start of the race. In the virtual event, you'll run anywhere you like, post your results, and have your swag mailed to you after the event.
TRANSFERS: All participants can transfer into the virtual version of their event up until the start of the event. Email support@idaph.net to request the transfer. There will be no refunds for the price difference between events. Transfers during the week of the event will cost $10 (beginning Monday, May 6th.)
Transfers between participants are prohibited. Participants who run with another runner's bib will be automatically DQd and bandits will be banned from future iDaph events.
Participants can transfer from the in-person Half Marathon to the in-person 10k up until May 7th at midnight.
REFUNDS: We have a small, but mighty team that is working on all the details to produce this event safely for you and everyone in our community in attendance. We are incurring the expenses for production well before the day of the event, and we will not be able to provide a refund to you should you want to cancel your registration, or if the event itself has to be cancelled due to a change in the status of the pandemic, weather, an act of god, or other unforeseen circumstance.
DEFERRALS: We do not allow deferrals from race to race. If you're unable to make it on race day, you may switch to the virtual option.
CANCELLATION: In the event of an unforeseen circumstance, such as an emergency, an act of god, not receiving approval of final event permits, or change in pandemic status resulting in the inability to have the in-person event, we reserve the right to cancel the event and automatically convert all in-person registrations to the virtual option. Should this occur, your swag will be mailed to you for free.