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Help David raise money

For participating in 2024 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

I am running for Juvenile Arthritis

I am running for the kids that can’t run themselves

I am running for the kids that live with pain every day

I am running for the parents that worry all day about their kids and then wake up and do it again the next day and the next and the next

I am running to transform their lives

I am running to raise awareness about Juvenile Arthritis 

I am running to raise money to research, for support programs and for education

I am running for my daughter Cassie who is the reason Cassie + Friends exist.  

Cassie who has lived with pain and medications and challenges since she was a toddler and who is now a university student

 I will be running and with each step will know we are one step closer to a cure, one step closer to better medication, one step closer to a pain free future for 24,000 kids and their families in Canada

Join me on this mission and donate generously 

I won’t be stopping until Juvenile Arthritis is gone.

Thank you!


This year, I will be running in support of kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases with Cassie + Friends Society. Cassie + Friends is a national charity focused 100% on kids and families impacted by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Cassie + Friends provides much needed education, awareness, support programs, advocacy and research to families across Canada.

What is JA?

JA is an incurable autoimmune disease in kids that attacks healthy joints and steals childhoods. It’s just as common as Juvenile Diabetes (every 3 in 1000 kids) and yet receives a fraction of the research, awareness and support. Kids with JA live with pain, fatigue and fevers, and many require aggressive medications like chemotherapy.

In 2024, Cassie + Friends is raising money for:

  • Providing parents with access to a private Online Support Network
  • Supporting families with emergency funds and medical equipment 
  • Helping fund Monthly Expert-Led educational webinars
  • Connecting youth with trained peer mentors
  • Fueling critical Advocacy + research into safer Treatments and a cure.

Thank you for your support towards a pain-free future for kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases!

#TeamCassieAndFriends #JAWontStopMe

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 04 eta landscape architecture inc thanks for your hard work. Undisclosed amount
Jun 03 SRC Engineering Consultants LTD. $500.00
May 30 David Zigelman Keep doing what you’re doing. All your hard work is paying off. Undisclosed amount
May 30 Yamamoto Architecture $2,000.00
May 30 Harvey and Jody Dales $180.00
May 29 lisa & brent pullan $180.00
May 29 Garry zlotnik $535.02
May 29 Anonymous you're a mench cuz ! $1,069.14
May 28 Geoffrey Charters Great job David. Good luck on your run! $107.72
May 14 Studio One Architecture Inc. $500.00