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Help Amanda raise money

For participating in 2024 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

It’s that time again! Every year I tell myself no more half marathons but I keep coming back🙃

A lot of it has to do with being able to fundraise for a cause so close to my heart. My precious Oma was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s many years ago and has been living in the advanced stages of it for a while now. I believe the love and support our family has for her and she for us still keeps her going. Of course I hope there will come a day when this awful disease no longer exists but until then we can fundraise to help support those who suffer from Alzheimer’s & Dementia, along with their loved ones. 

I love my Oma with all my heart and she inspires me so much to push through life’s challenges. She is my reason for doing this so thank you to everyone who has read this far and come to my page to donate and support! It means the world ❤️

Donate to help Amanda raise money for 2024 Vancouver Half Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 25 Birgit & Keith Baia Thank you Sweetie for your love and dedication for your Oma and all those suffering with AD.🥰 $54.31
Apr 24 Lyndsey Gavin Go get it girl! $20.00
Apr 24 Marlies Such a great cause to run for 💛 $54.31
Apr 24 Anonymous $43.62