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Help Cindy raise money

For participating in 2024 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

Hi Everyone!  It's that time of year again.  I am raising funds by running (well, probably walking) in the Scotia Bank Run on June 23.  The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre provides services like daily hot meals for vulnerable women and children in the Downtown Eastside. Many times they have helped out families from Queen Alexandra School by finding them housing.  This year, I'm fundraising in honour of my mom, who passed away in December and was always a big supporter of DEWC.  Please donate generously to a great cause!


DEWC operates low-barrier drop-in centre and shelter services throughout the DTES, which offer safety, supportive surroundings, nutritious meals, and basic essentials to women of the community. We are now serving over 1000 women and their children 365 days per year, a number that keep growing every year.

Oftentimes, a hot nutritious meal is a gateway for the community's most vulnerable women to a continuum of holistic supports to improve her situation. 

Help us fundraise over $30,000 to support DEWC's expanding meals program.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 18 Vos $27.60
Jun 17 Kiet Way to go, Cindy! $107.72
Jun 17 ronnie cunanan $27.60
Jun 16 Sue I’ll be thinking of you and your mom, Cind. 💕 Undisclosed amount
Jun 16 Arnie Nickel (Dad) Proud of you Cindy! $107.72
Jun 16 Lois A wonderful way to honour your dear mother who cared deeply for vulnerable women and children - and all of us! Undisclosed amount
Jun 16 DEWC Your Mom will be with you every step of the way! Such a great way to honour Aunt Lorene:) Undisclosed amount
Jun 15 Tim Yay Cindy! Undisclosed amount
Jun 13 Mia Nickel What a great way to honour my lovely auntie- she'd be so proud! Undisclosed amount
Jun 13 Anonymous Go Cin!! $107.72