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Help Yazan raise money

For participating in 2024 Cleveland Marathon

My Story…

As a Palestinian-American, witnessing the atrocities Palestinian children have been enduring has been gut-wrenching. The Palestine Children's Relief Fund is a non-political organization who, through their work in the US and abroad, provides free medical care to thousands of injured and ill children who lack access to care within their local healthcare systems. PCRF's founder is an Ohioan like myself, and the first child brought to the US was treated in Akron where I went to college, so the local ties to this organization in Ohio make it an even more personal cause for me. After years of donating to this charity I'm hoping to do some good for them in a more active way - by training for the first time in years to try to raise money for this incredible organization. I certainly won't be the fastest participant, but if I can raise the most money, I'll accomplish what I set out to do. Far too many children have already lost their lives, but for those who haven't, there is still hope for a dignified life on this earth. I hope you will help me support this amazing cause by donating today.

Donate to help Yazan raise money for 2024 Cleveland Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Dec 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Dec 06 Anonymous $54.43
Dec 05 Anonymous rooting for you, free palestine $107.94
Dec 02 Brittany Parmelee $27.68
Dec 01 John D Dixon $54.43
Dec 01 Elizabeth Sheasley You go girl $107.94
Nov 30 Kimberly Sheasley $107.94
Nov 30 Anonymous Free Palestine Undisclosed amount
Nov 29 Anonymous $107.94
Nov 28 Anonymous $54.43