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Help John raise money

For participating in 2024 Cleveland Marathon

My Story…

On May 19, 2024, for the 11th time, I will be running the Cleveland Half Marathon as a proud member of the Sunflower Striders team in support of the Prayers From Maria Children's Glioma Cancer Foundation. And here's why... The fact of the matter is that pediatric cancer research in our country is woefully underfunded. Prayers from Maria, on whose board I proudly serve, is doing its part to change that narrative. To date, PFM’s efforts have resulted in a total of over $12 million going to the fight against childhood brain cancer. 

Our marathon team, known as the Sunflower Striders, has raised over $200,000 by participating in various events around the globe over the past 13 years, and we’re not done yet! We will continue our mission to raise research funds and awareness until there is a cure. And you should know that YOU—yes, YOU, the kind-hearted folks who have donated to my prior campaigns—have contributed over $43,000! So, the goal this year is simple: $50K at 50—that’s right, at the ripe young age of 50, I’m hoping to see the collective “career” donations of my supporters eclipse the $50,000 mark, a goal that is within reach, but only because of YOUR generosity! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION AND SUPPORT! BIG LOVE AND THANKS!!!


At Prayers From Maria we believe in hope. Our seed funding supports critical cancer research for kids, delivering more targeted, lifesaving treatments. 

Plant the Seeds. Grow the Movement. Let's End Childhood Brain Cancer!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 17 The Gillette Family Undisclosed amount
May 17 The Addison Family Will you finally win this thing?? Undisclosed amount
May 16 The Slatterys Great job neighbor!! $107.94
May 16 Jena Olsen Go, John, go! $27.68
May 16 B. Willse Best of luck, John. $54.43
May 15 The Bolwin Fam We love that you think you aren’t too old for this! lol JK! We know your dedication to this cause will prob mean you are running at 80! Undisclosed amount
May 14 J and Sally Schriner Run, Johnny, Run!! Undisclosed amount
May 14 Mary Kate Farrar & Mark Vega Great organization! Good luck, John! $54.43
May 13 Vi Chiles $27.68
May 13 Nintcheffs $107.94