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Help Helen C.C. raise money

For participating in 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

This year I will be doing my twelfth 5Km fundraising walkathon for Fountain of Love and Life.  I am deeply grateful to God for still granting me the energy to do so.  

Last year, the generous support of donors like you enabled FLL to acquire a permanent home at 151 Placer Court, North York, ON. With more space, FLL can expand its activities.  It has hosted large-scale prayer meetings, workshops and exhibitions. This short video shows how a recent one took place:

To equip lay Catholics to spread the Good News effectively, FLL launched the Joyful Fishers program which has been well received. All these new developments mean more resources are needed.  

May I appeal to your generosity to support this evangelization ministry by sponsoring me again?

Thank you very much!




Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) is a Chinese Catholic lay apostolate, established in Toronto, Canada, in 2005, with the primary mission of spreading the Good News of the Gospel to the global Chinese community through the production and dissemination of multimedia content. FLL is recognized as a Lay Association by the Archdiocese of Toronto and is a registered charity in Canada.

In addition to media evangelization, FLL also provides faith formation and systematic missionary discipleship training for the faithful. We aspire to cultivate evangelization leaders and establish faith communities with evangelization as the goal, promoting a culture of evangelization within the Church. In summary, FLL is an evangelization platform, an evangelization community, and an evangelization movement! 

FLL relies entirely on donations to sustain its operations. Please support us and help us spread the Good News to the ends of the earth.






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Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 15 Paul Chan Ms Ho 加油 $537.69
Sep 15 Elinor and David Lu Hi Helen, David and I admire you continuous effort in supporting FLL. Enjoy the walk. God bless! $108.31
Sep 14 William Wu Undisclosed amount
Sep 14 Theresa Tang Undisclosed amount
Sep 12 Tiger Cheung $108.31
Sep 11 Aaron Leung Dear Mrs. Lee, You are such an inspiration to all of us! May God Bless you and your family always! Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 Afonso Hung Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 Winnie K Lai 在遠方為你打氣-️ $80.00
Sep 11 Myrna poon Carry on! Helen! $150.00
Sep 11 edgar pang Helen, you are a great inspiration to us all. God bless. Undisclosed amount