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Help Austin raise money

For participating in 2024 Banff Marathon, Half and 10K

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My Story…

I was once asked by a number of people to raise money for sexual and domestic abuse victims.  Every year, I choose to run for a different charity. This year I will be raising money for the YWCA through the Banff Marathon but participating in the Calgary Marathon, celebrating their 60 years of running success. I have chosen to run a 60km ultra-marathon backwards at the Calgary Marathon. For every 10 dollars raised BEFORE the event I will run 1 Kilometer (backwards). I know I can't take your pain away, I know I can't understand the ptsd or depression you may have caused by another individual. No amount of money can give you that day, days, weeks, months, or even years back. If this helps someone, somewhere, just one person, along the way. Then to me it's all worth it. My hope is to show you, even though we are looking backwards, maybe at the past, or  whatever it may be, we are still able to move forward and set ourselves free. You know you're pain, you know your hurt, you know the truth. I do not and maybe I never will. But for whoever needs to hear this, you never deserved what happened to you, and I'm sorry that it did, I can't take it away, maybe I can't help, but you can help you, to love yourself again, for you, be yourself, that's the best version of you. I run for you, that's all I can do. ❤️ 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 01 Day 3 You are worth so much more than this ❤️ $10.00
Dec 31 Day 2 You are worth so much more than this ❤️ $10.00
Dec 30 Day 1 You are worth so much more than this ❤️. $10.00
Dec 08 Carissa Cameron $54.31
Dec 05 Ella H Let’s go!!! Good job!!! $27.60
Nov 28 Anonymous Hi Sedge - Happy to support your great causes. Looking forward to donating to you in the future as well!! $27.60
Nov 26 Anonymous Thank you Undisclosed amount