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Carolina Farm Trust

Raise money for Carolina Farm Trust

Farming equates to food on our tables. We all need that food to thrive. But farming is hard work, and can be both risky and costly to farmers. Carolina Farm Trust is here to help our farmers overcome their challenges, and bring bountiful, beautiful food to our plates. 

The Carolina Farm Trust originated out of an idea to take all the energy and money being poured into food and farming education, awareness, policy, lobbying, and litigation, and make an effort to start funneling these efforts down to small, community farmers in a more direct manner.

Throughout the Carolinas, Carolina Farm Trust offers help to farmers with purchasing equipment, leasing or purchasing land, and in reaching customers through creative marketing campaigns.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 15 Syd Go team!! $22.15
Jul 14 Francine Santos You go Syd! $27.48
Jul 13 Adam Let’s goooooo $107.35
Jul 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 11 Jessica McLaughlin $27.48
Jul 08 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 06 Bill Grove Undisclosed amount
Jul 03 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount