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Help Daniel raise money

For participating in RUCK4HITCapeCod 2024

My Story…

I didn’t know I’d still be serving in 2024, when I raised my hand to take the oath to support and defend back in 1989. Organizations like HIT help keep us resilient and provide that little extra to keep us focused on the mission. Please help me, help them so the service members who come to the fight after I’m gone can have the same benefit provided by HIT. 

Donate to help Daniel raise money for RUCK4HITCapeCod 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 09 Barbara Goldrick $50.00
Apr 24 Ruckin Seagulls Good Luck, Dan!! $125.00
Apr 23 Linda Mortimer Good Luck, Dan! Love you! ❤️ $54.10
Apr 21 Gail and Ed Regan Good luck Dan! Undisclosed amount
Apr 09 KJB Industries Don’t fuck it up. Undisclosed amount
Apr 03 Karen Elkins-Cyr $22.15
Apr 02 Tim, Kate, & Logan Good luck Dan! $27.48
Mar 24 Frankie C. I'm happy and proud to support Dan and all the service members! God bless you all! $54.10
Mar 23 Keri Sullivan ❤️ $160.60