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Help Murray raise money

For participating in Raymond James Father's Day Walk/Run for Prostate Cancer!

My Story…

I am a cancer survivor 

More than a year ago, I had my prostate removed to treat my prostate cancer. And before that, I had been living with prostate cancer for four years on “active surveillance”. At every step of the way, we worked closely with the Nurse Navigator at Island Prostate Centre to understand our options and to help us make the right choice.

But there is no, “right choice”. Each specialist made a case for the course of action they were proposing and every proposal was backed by science and the latest advances in medicine. We needed help to understand the options and possible outcomes. That is where Island Prostate Centre played an invaluable role. They couldn’t make the choice for us but they helped us to understand the implications of each choice. We were able to talk to men who had been through the same experience and who understood the fears that we were facing.

I’m a cancer survivor. When I say that, it sounds like it is something that is relegated to the past. But it’s always in the present. Every six months, I get a PSA test that will tell me if the cancer has spread. The worry is heightened because my dad died from metastatic prostate cancer. 

Today my PSA test is clear. Today, I will continue to live my life to the fullest. Today I will focus on today because today is what I have.

I am a cancer survivor. 

Island Prostate Centre is there to help men like me. Its programs are free to the men and families that need them. It relies on donations like yours to operate. They were there for me when I really needed them. Please help me ensure that they are there for the next family that needs them.

Donate to help Murray raise money for Raymond James Father's Day Walk/Run for Prostate Cancer!’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 07 Maureen Duncan Murray - You are an inspiration to so many men dealing with Prostate Cancer. Than you for sharing your story. Maureen and Jerry $214.54
Jun 06 Dennis Truss Good luck, Murray! $107.72
Jun 06 Randy Decksheimer Thanks for what you’re doing Murray. $161.13
Jun 06 Andrew and Joanne Turner $107.72
Jun 06 Ann Moskow $107.72
Jun 06 Murray Tough $100.00