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DASC Dartmouth Adult Service Centre Association

Raise money for DASC Dartmouth Adult Service Centre Association

DASC is a not-for-profit business and social enterprise which supports adults with intellectual disabilities, dual diagnosis, and/or fragile health and complex needs. We serve nearly 200 people annually through a diverse range of services including community employment, vocational, skills development, life enhancement, active lifestyles, recreation and leisure, and youth programs. 

Funds will go towards the funding of our programs; we have seven programs that work in different ways to support the being, belonging, and becoming of the adults with intellectual disabilities that we work with. We are currently working to replace one of our accessible vans for the individual support program, and funds raised by Blue Nose participants will go a long way to help us toward that goal!  


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 03 Adrienne Malloy Buona Fortuna Ashley!! $54.72
May 03 Jillian Gibson You are an inspiration! $27.85
May 03 Anonymous Keep up the pace now and in the future $54.72
May 03 Anonymous Eye of the tiger, Ass Gov Butt. $54.72
May 03 J. Spurr Have a great run! $54.72
May 01 Sally H $108.45
Apr 28 Nicholas family $108.45
Apr 25 Catherine Russell xo $108.45
Apr 25 Henk van Leeuwen Go, Ashley, Go! $108.45
Apr 11 Mike Undisclosed amount