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Brunswick Street Mission

Raise money for Brunswick Street Mission

Brunswick Street Mission sits at the crossroads of two crises: the lack of affordable housing and the rising cost of living. We provides programs and services for individuals and families in Halifax who are experiencing poverty and/or homelessness. We provide a food bank, free hot breakfast, free laundry facilities, free tax clinic, and practical supports through a social worker.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 18 Anonymous Bonne chance Rudy! $54.72
May 18 Anonymous Sincere and personal ‘Diolch yn Fawr’ from me. Saint Patrick was there at my lowest and is the Acorn that started the BSM Oak ! $42.00
May 17 Anonymous Hope the Supper gives you the energy you need to complete your ‘ Marathon ‘ challenge… $6.36
May 16 Anonymous I n ATLANTIC SUPERSTORE for Lunch today I spent my usual under $10 ($8.67) I forgot my Card …dammit ! Got back to work and donated (8.67) $8.67
May 15 L.G. Go Steve! $17.10
May 14 Anonymous Fingers crossed good weather and you complete the run in one piece! $27.85
May 14 Thought I would donate my recycling Cans after last weekend ! All the Cans and Bottles collected in Nova Scotia are rewarded with Cash if you return them! I thought I might DONATE my recycling ! $5.75
May 13 Ballerina Think you'll need more than oxygen !! I'll send some pontefract cakes !! $27.85
May 13 Anonymous Soul Harbour Serves Steve Sustenance Soundly , Safely in the Lords name daily $50.00
May 10 Deb Fraser Go Team Go!! $108.45