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Help Kendall raise money

For participating in 13th Annual Dewey Goes Pink

My Story…


(aka Pammy, Pamcakes, Pand, and my personal fav Pamel-ama Ding Dong)

My mom was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. After months of radiation + chemo, she was cancer-free and in remission for nearly 10 years. 

Unfortunately, her cancer returned in 2022 and this time with a vengeance..metastatic (stage 4). We received this devastating news less than 2 years after losing my dad to cancer. Needless to say, the Nill family has been through the wringer but one of the most important lessons we've learned is that positive energy attracts positive outcomes. With that in mind, I'm very excited to honor Pammy by participating in Dewey Goes Pink. 

Dewey Goes Pink is an opportunity to show your support for all women facing breast cancer. This event has raised over $1.5 million in the last 12 years and 2024 is expected to be a record breaking year! Every donation counts so please show your support for our girl, Pand, and all loved ones battling breast cancer by donating to our team: Bethany Boob Buddies. 

Thank you so much <3

Donate to help Kendall raise money for 13th Annual Dewey Goes Pink’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 27 Ann Dickman I want to be a boob buddy! Great name! Go Pam…hope she’s doing ok!💗💗 $105.00
Aug 27 Stod Love you Pam!!!💕 $52.50
Aug 27 Nancy R. Bethany Boob Buddies is the best team name! Love ya Pam! Undisclosed amount
Aug 27 Lauren D Go Bethany Boob Buddies! Undisclosed amount
Aug 27 Lizzie Plunkett Are you saying pan or pam? Undisclosed amount
Aug 27 Lauren Veirs Undisclosed amount
Aug 27 Anonymous Undisclosed amount