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Help Richie raise money

For participating in Banff Jasper Relay

My Story…

The Last Challenge

So this is it, I’m finally hanging up my race shoes! This will be the last daft competitive race I will do in the Army before I retire after 37 years of service. I won’t stop running, just not as fast!

As you all know, I’ve been quite successful over the years having finally run for the Army at age 46; I took my time getting there, but I made it!

Throughout, I have never asked anyone for Sponsorship, a donation or money for charity, I’ve simply done it for the love of the sport, the challenge and at times, to deal with my own personal daemons.

This time, however, just once, the last time, could I ask that you might be as generous to make a small donation to the exceptionally worthwhile charity that the event and my Team is raising money for; The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.

As always, I’m not taking the easy way out; I have one of the longest hardest and fastest legs, leg 15, the 19.6km final sprint into Jasper!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this; please wish the boys and girls from BATUS the very best of luck on 08 Jun as we tackle the 260 km of the race!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 BHL Captain America We call you The Runner for a reason . Enjoy your last challenge 👏👏👏👏🫡. $13.00
May 30 Mum Good Luck! Look out for the wild life and enjoy your last race. 😎 $27.60
May 29 Peter, Exmouth England. Hi Richie, good luck, don't trample over any Bears on the way. $27.60
May 29 John Tracey Good luck Richie on your final run 🏃‍♂️ x $16.92
May 28 Peter Lutley - Aussie Cousin! Well done Rich, a great career, finishing your running on a terrific and personal (somewhat painful) and very generous note! $107.72
May 28 😎 Good luck Rich hope it goes well $27.60
May 27 Anonymous $11.58
May 27 Andy mac Well done Richie $27.60
May 27 Sophie & Henry Good luck! Don’t roll an ankle or anything stupid 😂 $10.00
May 26 Anonymous $27.60