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Valley Regional Hospital Foundation

Raise money for Valley Regional Hospital Foundation

Valley Regional Hospital Foundation is a charity whose mission is to enhance healthcare in the Annapolis Valley.

Fueled by the kindness and generosity of donors and volunteers for nearly four decades, the Foundation has been instrumental in funding hospital construction and expansion, state-of-the-art medical equipment, community initiatives that support better health outcomes and reduce strain on hospital resources, comfort care items, and direct support to patients who face barriers in accessing healthcare services.

Donations to Valley Regional Hospital Foundation through this year’s Valley Harvest Marathon, are designated to the Sheila McKay Cancer Care Legacy Fund. That means your support will have a direct impact on patients and families who face financial difficulty as they undergo cancer treatment at Valley Regional Hospital.

And because gifts to this special fund are matched by Rotary Club of Wolfville-Mud Creek, the impact of your support will be doubled!


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 22 Lydia Green $27.85
Nov 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 21 Zoe Pingert $17.10