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Help Jenni raise money

For participating in 2024 Under Armour Eastside 10K

My Story…

I’m so proud to work as a pharmacist alongside PHS to support the marginalized DTES community. Getting to know and provide care for many of these patients at the clinic has been an amazing experience and I continue to be inspired by the dedication of the PHS team.  Thank you for the support and donations that help fund our work!


Founded in 1993, PHS Community Service Society is a registered charity offering low-barrier supportive housing, shelter, harm reduction, healthcare, and community supports in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and Victoria. Our services include safe consumption sites, recovery programs, affordable dentistry, low-barrier banking for over 7,000 members, and a food program delivering 1,500 meals daily within our Vancouver housing locations and programs. We also partner with Culture Saves Lives for harm reduction in Indigenous communities.

PHS serves individuals at risk of homelessness with complex needs related to severe substance use, mental health, brain injuries, and other acute conditions. With over 1,900 supportive housing units, PHS provides critical assistance to thousands, addressing poverty, trauma, and systemic neglect. Renowned for Insite, North America’s first legal supervised injection site, PHS leads in harm reduction and accessible services for marginalized populations.

Tax receipts will be issued for donations for $20 or more. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 05 Celina Vipond $16.92
Aug 27 Riley Thanks for all the great work you do with PHS! Undisclosed amount
Aug 27 Marilyn and Heinz Unger Great initiative, Jenni $107.72
Aug 26 John and Marie Great stuff! $27.60
Aug 23 Cole F 🐴 🐎 🥕 🧡 $50.03
Aug 23 Cole P $107.72
Aug 23 Anonymous $20.00
Aug 14 Melissa Hunt Atta girl $22.26
Aug 14 Maureen and Pat Wenger $54.31